Weekend Overview     Weekend Details     Map and Directions     PICTURES
Flier (24 KB PDF file) with info, and registration form, etc.

Cross Point Methodist Camp
Kingston, OK (North shore of Lake Texoma)
Thurs Dec 30, 1999 to Sun Jan 2, 2000

City_______________________________ State___ Zip_______ Phone (___)___-_____
E-mail_____________________________ Please do NOT list me in attendees directory. ___
Please provide the ages of all children registering with you.______________________

Cabin designation request: Put the number of campers in the appropriate blank.
Women's____ Men's____ Couples____ Family(with kids)____ Snorer's____
I am single and would not mind staying in a couples cabin ____ or family cabin ___
I want to stay in the same cabin as _____________________________________________
(Folks who go to bed and get up early might consider a family cabin as kids usually do the same.)
I prefer to stay off-site______

I would like to call dances during the weekend___
I would like to lead a couples dance workshop___ What kind?________________________
I would like to lead a music session or workshop___ What kind?______________________
I don't want to lead it, but suggest the following dance, music,
or other workshop(s). _____________________________________________
And I recommend ______________________________________ to lead it/them.

Musicians: Without you this camp will not work! I may need to contact you about a band's commitment or an individual's in leading a music session. I'm setting a December 1st deadline for bands to confirm with me in order to have time to work out the schedules. But please try to reply ASAP.
I will bring and play instrument(s) ______________________________________________
Does your band expect to attend and wish to be on the schedule? Yes___
If so, will your band be there all three days from Thursday? ___ Or only from Friday?___
Band's name___________________________________________________

I'll volunteer to help: run sound _____ make airport runs _____ set up camp _____
clean up camp _____ bring late-night snacks_____

I'd like to reserve T-shirt(s): S___ M___ L___ XL___ XXL___ (pay at camp, about $12-$15)

  Room & Board Meals Only (sleeping off site)
Full event (Thursday - Sunday) _______ X $85 = _______ _______ X $50 = _______
Full event - Kids, ages 1-7 _______ X $38 = _______ _______ X $20 = _______
Part-time (Friday - Sunday) _______ X $60 = _______ _______ X $35 = _______
Part-time-Kids,ages 1-7 _______ X $25 = _______ _______ X $13 = _______

GRAND TOTAL: _______ people, $________

Make checks payable to: NTTDS and mail to Mimi Rogers, 3855 Hawick Ln., Dallas, TX, 75220
Direct questions or comments there or by e-mail mrog@juno.com or phone (214)357-8213

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North Texas Traditional Dance Society is a 501(c)(3) organization with registered offices in the State of Texas.
How to contact NTTDS:    972-546-8858    OR       OR    PO Box 820203, Dallas, TX 75382
Sign up for our email newsletter.       Webmasters: Glenn Manuel and Lauren Singer

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