Cross Point Methodist Camp
Kingston, OK (North shore of Lake Texoma)
Thurs Dec 30, 1999 to Sun Jan 2, 2000
City_______________________________ State___ Zip_______ Phone (___)___-_____
E-mail_____________________________ Please do NOT list me in attendees directory. ___
Please provide the ages of all children registering with
Cabin designation request: Put the number of campers in the appropriate blank.
Women's____ Men's____ Couples____ Family(with kids)____ Snorer's____
I am single and would not mind staying in a couples cabin ____
or family cabin ___
I want to stay in the same cabin as _____________________________________________
(Folks who go to bed and get up early might consider a family cabin as kids usually do the same.)
I prefer to stay off-site______
I would like to call dances during the weekend___
I would like to lead a couples dance workshop___ What kind?________________________
I would like to lead a music session or workshop___ What kind?______________________
I don't want to lead it, but suggest the following dance, music,
or other workshop(s). _____________________________________________
And I recommend ______________________________________ to lead it/them.
Musicians: Without you this camp will not work! I may
need to contact you about a band's commitment or an
individual's in leading a music session. I'm setting a
December 1st deadline for bands to confirm with me in order to
have time to work out the schedules. But please try to reply ASAP.
I will bring and play instrument(s) ______________________________________________
Does your band expect to attend and wish to be on the schedule?
If so, will your band be there all three days from Thursday? ___ Or
only from Friday?___
Band's name___________________________________________________
I'll volunteer to help: run sound _____ make airport runs _____ set up camp _____
clean up camp _____ bring late-night snacks_____
I'd like to reserve T-shirt(s): S___ M___ L___ XL___ XXL___ (pay at camp, about $12-$15)
Room & Board | Meals Only (sleeping off site) | |
Full event (Thursday - Sunday) | _______ X $85 = _______ | _______ X $50 = _______ |
Full event - Kids, ages 1-7 | _______ X $38 = _______ | _______ X $20 = _______ |
Part-time (Friday - Sunday) | _______ X $60 = _______ | _______ X $35 = _______ |
Part-time-Kids,ages 1-7 | _______ X $25 = _______ | _______ X $13 = _______ |
GRAND TOTAL: _______ people, $________
Make checks payable to: NTTDS and mail to
Mimi Rogers, 3855 Hawick Ln., Dallas, TX, 75220
Direct questions or comments there or by e-mail
or phone (214)357-8213
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North Texas Traditional Dance Society is a 501(c)(3) organization with registered offices in the State of Texas.
How to contact NTTDS: 972-546-8858 OR OR PO Box 820203, Dallas, TX 75382
Sign up for our email newsletter. Webmasters: Glenn Manuel and Lauren Singer
Free non-profit web hosting provided by InterServer.