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Data on one front/back sheet: Registration (39 KB) (requires free Adobe Acrobat Reader)

                North Texas Traditional Dance Society
        When In Doubt, Swing!  April 24-26, 2009  Dallas, TX
                            Registration (web)


Name:________________________________________________________   Child? ___


Name:________________________________________________________   Child? ___


Name:________________________________________________________   Child? ___


Name:________________________________________________________   Child? ___


Street: __________________________________________________________________

City:   _________________________________________  ST ____  Zip __________

Phone: Home ________________________    Cell _____________________________

Do NOT include me/us in the attendance list _____

Hospitality: (requests after April 15 are NOT guaranteed)

I can OFFER hospitality for (how many)   __Males  __Females  __Either
I have pets:   Cat___    Dog___    Other______________   None___
Smoking is allowed  Yes__    No___

I NEED hospitality for (how many)   ___Males   ___Females
I can stay in a house where there are pets   Cat___   Dog___   None___
I am a smoker  Yes___    No___
Other special considerations (allergies, etc.) _______________________
Please house me with my traveling companion:   _______________________

Adults:                      $90 x ____  =    $_______
Children 12 and under        $45 x ____  =    $_______
Discount before April 5    - $10 x ____  =  - $_______
CDSS Member Discount       - $ 5 x ____  =  - $_______
Total:                                        $_______

Please make checks payable to NTTDS.

Send Registration Form and check to
Carl Dreher
6409 Richmond Ave, Dallas, TX 75214    214-827-9843

Joanne Fell   972-948-2546

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North Texas Traditional Dance Society is a 501(c)(3) organization with registered offices in the State of Texas.
How to contact NTTDS:    972-546-8858    OR       OR    PO Box 820203, Dallas, TX 75382
Sign up for our email newsletter.       Webmasters: Glenn Manuel and Lauren Singer

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